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rajesh k 10
when checkbox will be check how to update a field using trigger in salesforce?
Create a custom field cancel__c(checkbox) on sales_Order__c custom object.
Whenever this checkbox gets checked, a trigger should fire and update the Discount percentage field to 50%.
Whenever this checkbox gets checked, a trigger should fire and update the Discount percentage field to 50%.
the code looks fine to me.
Do you see anything in the debug log? Lets remove the onchange event.
try the code below
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You can check the value change in trigger by using code below
I got Foreignkey relationship error.
please help me..
I wrote like this but not working
trigger Trg_Discountupdateonorder1 on sales_Order__c(before update){
List<sales_Order__c> lst=new List<sales_Order__c>();
for(Sales_order__c so :
if(so.Cancel__c == true)
so.Discount__C =70;
if(lst.size() > 0)
update lst;
please help me..
Here where your checking cancel__c check is true or false.
Hi i tried but Discount field not updated and There is no debug log also
please help me..........
I try to like this but not working
trigger salesordertrigger on Sales_Order__c(before update){
for(Sales_order__c so :{
if(so.Cancel__c && !trigger.oldmap.get( )
if(so.Cancel__c == true)
the code looks fine to me.
Do you see anything in the debug log? Lets remove the onchange event.
try the code below