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Andrew Hoban 6Andrew Hoban 6 

Test Class For Trigger

Hi all,

I am having difficulty creating a test class for a trigger I have created. The trigger updates a date/time field every fime a checkbox field is modified. I am unsure how i would create the tesst trigger, any help would be great.

My trigger is:
trigger ControlRoomCheckedTimeTrigger on Match_Day_Check_List__c (before insert, before update) {
     for(match_day_check_list__c b:{
      b.Steward_Phone_Check_Complete_Last_Mod__c = DateTime.Now();
      b.Radio_Check_Complete_Last_Modified__c = DateTime.Now();
      b.CCTV_Cameras_Checked_Last_Modified__c = DateTime.Now();
        for(match_day_check_list__c b:{
            match_day_check_list__c oldb = Trigger.oldMap.get(b.ID);
            if(oldb.Steward_Phone_Check_Complete__c != b.Steward_Phone_Check_Complete__c){
                b.Steward_Phone_Check_Complete_Last_Mod__c = DateTime.Now();
            if(oldb.Radio_Check_Complete__c != b.Radio_Check_Complete__c){
                b.Radio_Check_Complete_Last_Modified__c = DateTime.Now();
            if(oldb.CCTV_Cameras_Checked__c != b.CCTV_Cameras_Checked__c){
                b.CCTV_Cameras_Checked_Last_Modified__c = DateTime.Now();
            if(oldb.Turnstile_Checks_Control_Room__c != b.Turnstile_Checks_Control_Room__c){
                b.Turnstile_Checks_Last_Modified_CRoom__c = DateTime.Now();

Many thanks.
Best Answer chosen by Andrew Hoban 6
Try the code below. 

I am assuming the name of those objects are fixture__c and match_plan__c. If they are not, please update it in the code at line no 5 and 6
public class ControlRoomTest{
public static testmethod void testmethod1(){
match_day_check_list__c md = new match_day_check_list__c ();
md.Fixture__c = [select id from Fixture__c limit 1].id;
md.Match_Plan__c = [select id from Match_plan__c limit 1].id;
insert md;

md.Radio_Check_Complete__c = false;
md.CCTV_Cameras_Checked__c = false;
md.Turnstile_Checks_Control_Room__c = false;
update md;

All Answers

Hello Andrew, 

Try the test class below. let me know in case of any issues.

If that solves your problem, please mark this as the best answer.


public class rohittest{
public static testmethod void testmethod1(){
match_day_check_list__c md = new match_day_check_list__c ();
insert md;

md.Radio_Check_Complete__c  = false;
md.CCTV_Cameras_Checked__c  = false;
md.Turnstile_Checks_Control_Room__c  = false;

update md;

Andrew Hoban 6Andrew Hoban 6
Thanks for your reposne. The test has unfortunately failed. I am getting the message:

System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Fixture__c, Match_Plan__c]: [Fixture__c, Match_Plan__c]
Class.ControlRoomTest.testmethod1: line 5, column

I have now added these into the test class however i am still getting the same error? 

public class ControlRoomTest{
public static testmethod void testmethod1(){
match_day_check_list__c md = new match_day_check_list__c ();
insert md;
md.Fixture__c = 'Test Fixture';
md.Match_Plan__c = 'Test Match';
md.Radio_Check_Complete__c = false;
md.CCTV_Cameras_Checked__c = false;
md.Turnstile_Checks_Control_Room__c = false;
update md;

Andrew, you just missed to put them in the right place

public class ControlRoomTest{
public static testmethod void testmethod1(){
match_day_check_list__c md = new match_day_check_list__c ();
md.Fixture__c = 'Test Fixture';
md.Match_Plan__c = 'Test Match';
insert md;

md.Radio_Check_Complete__c = false;
md.CCTV_Cameras_Checked__c = false;
md.Turnstile_Checks_Control_Room__c = false;
update md;

If that solves your problem, please like this post and mark it as the best answer.


Andrew Hoban 6Andrew Hoban 6
Thanks for your help. The fixture & match plan are lookup fields, I am getting the error System.StringException: Invalid id: Test Fixture

I think it is something simple I am not doing correctly. Thanks
Try the code below. 

I am assuming the name of those objects are fixture__c and match_plan__c. If they are not, please update it in the code at line no 5 and 6
public class ControlRoomTest{
public static testmethod void testmethod1(){
match_day_check_list__c md = new match_day_check_list__c ();
md.Fixture__c = [select id from Fixture__c limit 1].id;
md.Match_Plan__c = [select id from Match_plan__c limit 1].id;
insert md;

md.Radio_Check_Complete__c = false;
md.CCTV_Cameras_Checked__c = false;
md.Turnstile_Checks_Control_Room__c = false;
update md;

This was selected as the best answer
Andrew Hoban 6Andrew Hoban 6
Thanks mate that worked.
Glad i could help.

Please like the post, and mark it as the best answer if that solves your query.
