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Opportunity record type selection when converting Lead

Hi ,

I want to convert Lead to opportunity , recordtype should be assign   based on Lead recordtype.
i have two record types for lead and Opportunity, Based on Lead record type i want to convert Lead to opportunity of  Same name of record typt.

can any one help me out for this......

Best Answer chosen by sarvesh001
yes you can.

Create a formula field on lead. get the record type name there. and move this field to another custom field in opportunity. And then based on the value of this, update record type in opportunity

All Answers

By default, current user's default record type get assigned to opportunity. You need to create a workflow rule to update the record type of newly created opportunity.

Hi rohit,

In workflow rule we can update opportunity record type by using field update , But how to identify the Lead Record type, based on lead record type we have to updatte opp record type.

yes you can.

Create a formula field on lead. get the record type name there. and move this field to another custom field in opportunity. And then based on the value of this, update record type in opportunity
This was selected as the best answer
Hi rohit,
Thats ok fine i have done in this way previouly.   Is there any option for this....
