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Enrico devEnrico dev 

Show Size of list visual force

This is my VF page:
<apex:page standardController="Account">
<apex:relatedList list="Contacts" />
I would like to show number of records in the related list. I´ve tried, without success, with:

How can i accomplish this?

Thanks in adavantage for any advice
You will have to create a method to return the size and then display it on the visualforce page. Create a controller extension class and create a method to do it. Information can be found in the Apex workbook ( a great start to developing in Salesforce.
Enrico devEnrico dev
Thanks for your Input Radhip.
I have done it in a controller extension (using a property) but i would like to avoid the query to get number of records (or list of contacts to apply size() method). Is there a way to do calculate number directly in the vf page having just the list?