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Use promote/demote buttons in visualforce

I've seen the promote/demote features on the ideas page standard object and would like to use it on my custom visualforce page which displays 2 most recent ideas and 2 most voted on. How would I add this to my custom controller and visualforce page so that users can click to promote or demote an idea?


Controller so far:
public with sharing class topIdeaExt {

public List<Idea> getRecent2()
        return [SELECT Id, Title, Name__c, CreatedDate, Voting_Status__c FROM Idea order by createdDate desc Limit 2];
    public List<Idea> getMostVoted2()
        return [SELECT Id, Title, Name__c, CreatedDate, Voting_Status__c FROM Idea order by VoteTotal desc, CreatedDate desc Limit 2];
    public List<AggregateResult> getTop6Contributors()
        return [SELECT CreatedById, CreatedBy.Name Name  FROM Idea group by createdbyid, CreatedBy.Name order by count(CreatedById) desc limit 6];

ShashankShashank (Salesforce Developers) 
You can use the vf component "apex:commandButton" ( for the Promote/Demote. You can give the url of the button image in the image attribute, and in the action attribute, specify a method from the controller which queries and adds the vote to the idea using the "Vote" sobject (