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Command Button Rerender Issue

Hi All,
I have a visualforce page where it display number of pageblock sections based on number of items in a data structure at the backend. I also have button that once click, it will remove each individual section from the pageblock. I ran into a problem where if I use "rerender" attribute with a commandbutton, the section does "not" refresh! Note that, it works fine when "not" using the "rerender" attribure. This seems like bug in VFP component. Any advise or workaround? Below is an excerpt of from the code in the VFP. I also attached screen capture of the VFP. Thank you in advanced.

 <apex:pageBlock title="Day" id="selected">User-added image

            <apex:repeat value="{!stringDay}" var="item">        

                <apex:pageblockSection title="{!item}" columns="1">

                    <apex:commandLink value="Remove Day" action="{!removeTable}" rerender="selected">

                        <apex:param value="{!item}" name="removeIdTable" assignTo="{!removeIdTable}"/>


Anoop yadavAnoop yadav

Use <apex:Form id="selected">
instead of <apex:pageBlock title="Day" id="selected">