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How to check Salesforce mass email remaining limit


Is there any way to check salesforce remaining mass email limit in advance? i.e. count of emails that I can further send through mass email today?

Or I'll got to know about this only when there is an exception while sending mass emails from salesforce? - MASS_EMAIL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED

Thanks in advance
I want remaining mass email limit in apex as I'm sending emails from apex only.
Tushar sharmaTushar sharma
Use the mass email queue to view the status of scheduled mass emails and cancel mass emails if necessary.

To view the mass emails you have scheduled, go to your personal settings and select Email | Mass Emails or Email | My Mass Emails. If you have permission to view all mass emails in your organization, from Setup click Mass Email or Monitoring | Mass Email.From these pages, you can:Click Cancel to cancel a pending mass email.
Click Stop to stop a mass email that Salesforce is in the process of sending.
Click Del to delete the record of a sent or canceled mass email from the queue.
Click the name of the mass email to view details about an individual mass email.The mass email queue shows the number of recipients that the mass email was addressed to and sent to. These numbers may differ because:The mass email would cause your organization to exceed its daily mass email limit. Salesforce does not send the message to any of the intended recipients in this case.
One or more selected recipients opted out of receiving mass email after the mass email was scheduled but before it was processed.
One or more selected recipient email addresses were removed from the contact or lead after the mass email was scheduled but before it was processed.
The user who sent the mass email was deactivated after the mass email was scheduled but before it was processed. Salesforcedoes not send mass emails scheduled by a user who is deactivated.
Hi Tushar,

I'm searching for an apex function to check daily remaining mass email limit for my organization. Is there any function available? I'm sending mass emails to campaign members by code.
Venu EVenu E
Hi Shruthi,

MassMailer The Best Email Solution for Salesforce CRM.

Erase your worries of hitting your email send limit in Salesforce.allows you to take control of the amount of emails you send and make smart decisions on your communications with in-depth reporting on each email’s success.

For this, you can visit and play with this app free trail for 15 days -

Do you want to know more details click here

Venu E