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ch ranjeethch ranjeeth 

I have a Text (Encrypted) field in manage__c object...If user enters same name, Phone value then it need to save the record id in Duplicate__c object with this record ID.

SonamSonam (Salesforce Developers) 
Below is a  sample code.

I've assumed the field names on the Manage_c and Duplicate_c Object, please correct it as er your ORG and bulkify:

Trigger Duprecord on Manage_c (after insert) {
 Manage_c[] manage = [ select id from Manage_c WHERE Phone =[0].Phone and Name =[0].Name ];
       if (contact.size() > 0) {
       Duplicate__c duprecord = new Duplicate__c();
       duprecord.<duprecordID> =[0].ID;
        insert duprecord;