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Ideas Visualforce Page instructions confusing!!!
I am trying to create a VF page that is essentially identical to the standard Salesforce Ideas page (Zones, tabs, et al). To get started I am trying to follow the instructions for this laid out here: (search for Ideas).
There the following VF code is listed:
(1) Can I even create a VF page that is a duplicate (or as close as possible) to the Standard Ideas page?
(2) How can I do that?
There the following VF code is listed:
<!-- page named listPage --> <apex:page standardController="Idea" extensions="MyIdeaListExtension" recordSetVar="ideaSetVar"> <apex:pageBlock > <ideas:listOutputLink sort="recent" page="listPage">Recent Ideas </ideas:listOutputLink> | <ideas:listOutputLink sort="top" page="listPage">Top Ideas </ideas:listOutputLink> | <ideas:listOutputLink sort="popular" page="listPage">Popular Ideas </ideas:listOutputLink> | <ideas:listOutputLink sort="comments" page="listPage">Recent Comments </ideas:listOutputLink> </apex:pageBlock> <apex:pageBlock > <apex:dataList value="{!modifiedIdeas}" var="ideadata"> <ideas:detailoutputlink ideaId="{!}" page="viewPage"> {!ideadata.title}</ideas:detailoutputlink> </apex:dataList> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:page>When I attempt to use this I get the error:
Error: Unknown page listPage referenced by attribute page in <ideas:listOutputLink> in listPage at line 3 column 61I am totally confused!!! Do I need a separate VF page named "listPage" (I tried a blank page with that name and it still threw the same error).
(1) Can I even create a VF page that is a duplicate (or as close as possible) to the Standard Ideas page?
(2) How can I do that?
You need to create this page in your ORG which the given page is looking for..