You need to sign in to do that
Don't have an account?
satyaprakash pal
For signin I have created connected app in salseforce, so that I can login with salesforce user name and password. I am able to login succesfully and redirected on 'default.aspx'. This default.aspx page have a sign out option.
The logout functionality lives on the salesforce side. So, the logout process and the redirect is happening on the salesforce side.
I can't find out how to log out. There is no log out method. How can I do that?
Plese help me, I am new in salesforce .
The logout functionality lives on the salesforce side. So, the logout process and the redirect is happening on the salesforce side.
I can't find out how to log out. There is no log out method. How can I do that?
Plese help me, I am new in salesforce .
Sonam (Salesforce Developers)
If I understand this correctly, you wish to logout of salesforce as well once you logout of the connected it?