You need to sign in to do that
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Christopher Pezza
Passing Variable of null when its not
It wont pass the Id to the Variable any reason why or that i am missing
public void AttachLoan() { System.debug('** in Add'); System.debug('**' + AddLoanID); LLC_BI__Loan__c ul = [SELECT Id, Name, LLC_CDS__Deal_Facility__c FROM LLC_BI__Loan__c WHERE Id = :AddLoanID LIMIT 1]; system.debug('** ' + ul); ul.LLC_CDS__Deal_Facility__c = ObjId; system.debug('**2 ' + ul); update(ul); }
<apex:repeat value="{!AddLoans}" var="fa"> <tr> <td> <apex:form > <apex:commandButton value="Add" action="{!AttachLoan}" styleClass="btn btn-xs btn-success"> <apex:param value="{!fa.Id}" AssignTo="{!AddLoanID}"/> </apex:commandButton> </apex:form> </td> <td><a href="/{!fa.Id}" target="_Blank">{!fa.Name}</a></td> <td>{!fa.LLC_BI__lookupKey__c}</td> <td><a href="/{!fa.LLC_BI__Account__c}" target="_Blank">{!fa.LLC_BI__Account__r.Name}</a></td> </tr> </apex:repeat>
Try adding rerender attribute to commandbutton. If you do not want to rerender any panels simply add rerender="dummy" on command button. That should resolve this issue.
Please let me know if this helps!