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Thomas Graves 1Thomas Graves 1 

Iterate over Product2 in QuoteLineItem from a Quote Field

Hi Everyone,

I have a custom Quote Field, lets call it 'Count'. I want the value of Count to come from looking at all the names of the products in the Quote Line Items and generating a value. I've figured a few things out on my own but my resources are running dry. Below is everything I've figured out

QuoteLineItem - the name of the object containing each product
Product2 - the product name that is displayed in QuoteLineItem
Count - this should be a custom formula field. the formula should look something like what I have below ->

count = 0;
For (all QuoteLineItem:x in Quote object){
    If (x.Product2 = 'ABC')
        count = count + 5;
    If (x.Product2 = 'DEF')
        count = count + 10;
     If (x.Product2 = 'GHI')
        count = count + 5;

Am I thinking about this right? Can someone help me pull this thing together.


Best Answer chosen by Thomas Graves 1
Thomas Graves 1Thomas Graves 1
Hi Guys,

I figured this out. Here is what I had to do.

I made a formula QLI field (x1) to determine the individual count associated with each QLI.
Then I made a number QLI field (x2) that was populated with the value of x1 by a workflow field update rule.
Then I made a Roll Up Summary Quote field (y1) to calculate the total sum of x2 across all QLIs.

You have to use this method because you aren't allowed to have a Roll Up Summary field that is based on a formula field

Hopefully this helps someone out there.




All Answers

Balaji BondarBalaji Bondar
Hi Thomas,
1. Create count formula field on the QuoteLineItem with above logic and get the count based on Product per QuoteLineItem .
2  Create a Rollup summary field on the Quote with Sum(Count at QuoteLineItem level)

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Thomas Graves 1Thomas Graves 1
Hi Balaji,

Thanks for the response. The Rollup summary will not meet my needs. I need to increment the value of count based on the title of the product.
So if the Product was called "ABC", count will increment by 5 - if Product was called "DEF", count will increment by 10 - etc.

I also have a knowledge gap related to writing a formula that iterates through all QuoteLineItems and grabs the Product2 field (Product2 is the name, correct?).

C. Praveen kumarC. Praveen kumar
how about two rollup summary field to count Product ABC and Product DEF. And a formula field to calculate the sum of both products i.e formula field = (rollup1 count value * 5 + rollup2 count value * 10)
Thomas Graves 1Thomas Graves 1
Hi Guys,

I figured this out. Here is what I had to do.

I made a formula QLI field (x1) to determine the individual count associated with each QLI.
Then I made a number QLI field (x2) that was populated with the value of x1 by a workflow field update rule.
Then I made a Roll Up Summary Quote field (y1) to calculate the total sum of x2 across all QLIs.

You have to use this method because you aren't allowed to have a Roll Up Summary field that is based on a formula field

Hopefully this helps someone out there.



This was selected as the best answer