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Irvine DelacroixIrvine Delacroix 

User ID convert to Username in Trigger


Can you guys help on my simple trigger experiment please. What I am trying to do is to find the name of the UserID.
I have object (TestObject__c) and Fields (txtField__c, WhoUser__c).

My goal is to return the name of the UserID that is in the txtField under my TestObject. Say for example, my user is Bob and his user ID is 0053000000AtjAhAAJ.

So, if the txtField value is 0053000000AtjAhAAJ, the WhoUser field will return Bob when I save the Record.

I've tried experimenting on this but it seems my codes does not make any sense.. I'm always getting that "Unexpected Token" error when trying to query.. (I'm still learning the syntax though) :D

Thanks a lot!
Best Answer chosen by Irvine Delacroix
Arthur LockremArthur Lockrem
trigger TextObject_BeforeTrigger on TestObject__c (before insert, before update) {

	Set<Id> userIds = new Set<Id>();
	for (TestObject__c testObject : {
	List<User> users =
		[SELECT Id, Name
		 FROM User
		 WHERE Id IN : userIds];
	Map<Id, User> mUsers = new Map<Id, User>(users);
	for (TestObject__c testObject : {
		User user = mUsers.get(testObject.txtField__c);
		if (user != null) testObject.WhoUser__c = user.Name;
I didn't test this, but the concepts should be there.
- Get a set of user ids
- Get a map of user ids to user records
- Lookup users for each test object
- If a user match is found, update the who user field

Good luck

All Answers

Arthur LockremArthur Lockrem
trigger TextObject_BeforeTrigger on TestObject__c (before insert, before update) {

	Set<Id> userIds = new Set<Id>();
	for (TestObject__c testObject : {
	List<User> users =
		[SELECT Id, Name
		 FROM User
		 WHERE Id IN : userIds];
	Map<Id, User> mUsers = new Map<Id, User>(users);
	for (TestObject__c testObject : {
		User user = mUsers.get(testObject.txtField__c);
		if (user != null) testObject.WhoUser__c = user.Name;
I didn't test this, but the concepts should be there.
- Get a set of user ids
- Get a map of user ids to user records
- Lookup users for each test object
- If a user match is found, update the who user field

Good luck
This was selected as the best answer
Irvine DelacroixIrvine Delacroix
Awesome! Thank you so much @Arthur! I can start a new Idea from here. :)
Arthur LockremArthur Lockrem
You're welcome.  If this resolved your issue please select the answer and mark the question as solved.
Joana MatosJoana Matos
Hi, I have a process to change the record type of a contact, whenever a tick box is ticked, and to then change the Name field to the Contact ID. 
​​​​​​I then need to reinstate the original Name of the Contact, when the box is untucked, and it will revert to the original Record Type. The process is not working in the last part, when reinstating the Name. 
​​​​​​Does anyone have any suggestion? 
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