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Test class for a simple trigger
The code coverage is still 0%, even though it is successfull. need some help plz
My Trigger:
trigger ArticleFeedbackAfterTrigger on Article_Feedback__c (after insert, after update) {
List<FeedItem> lstFeeds = new List<FeedItem>();
for(Article_Feedback__c af : {
FeedItem fi = new FeedItem();
fi.Type = 'TextPost';
fi.Title= af.Name;
fi.ParentId = af.Article_ID__c;
fi.Body = af.Comments__c;
if(lstFeeds.size() > 0) { insert lstFeeds; }
My Test Class:
private class ArticleFeedbackTrigger_test {
static testmethod void test_trigger(){
Article_Feedback__c af =new Article_Feedback__c(Article_ID__c='kac236789045672000',Comments__c='Body for the feed');
//insert af;
List<FeedItem> lstFeeds = new List<FeedItem>();
FeedItem fi = new FeedItem();
fi.Type = 'TextPost';
fi.Title= 'test article';
//fi.ParentId = af.Article_ID__c;
fi.Body = af.Comments__c;
system.assertEquals(fi.Body ,'Body for the feed');
My Trigger:
trigger ArticleFeedbackAfterTrigger on Article_Feedback__c (after insert, after update) {
List<FeedItem> lstFeeds = new List<FeedItem>();
for(Article_Feedback__c af : {
FeedItem fi = new FeedItem();
fi.Type = 'TextPost';
fi.Title= af.Name;
fi.ParentId = af.Article_ID__c;
fi.Body = af.Comments__c;
if(lstFeeds.size() > 0) { insert lstFeeds; }
My Test Class:
private class ArticleFeedbackTrigger_test {
static testmethod void test_trigger(){
Article_Feedback__c af =new Article_Feedback__c(Article_ID__c='kac236789045672000',Comments__c='Body for the feed');
//insert af;
List<FeedItem> lstFeeds = new List<FeedItem>();
FeedItem fi = new FeedItem();
fi.Type = 'TextPost';
fi.Title= 'test article';
//fi.ParentId = af.Article_ID__c;
fi.Body = af.Comments__c;
system.assertEquals(fi.Body ,'Body for the feed');
- Generate a new article object
- Insert it.
- Use the article's Id in your Article_Feedback__c object
When writing tests you should create all of the test data. If your class is post API version 24 you do not have access to data created outside of the test class by default.All Answers
insert af
Error Message System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, ArticleFeedbackAfterTrigger: execution of AfterInsert
caused by: System.StringException: Invalid id: kac236789045672000
Trigger.ArticleFeedbackAfterTrigger: line 10, column 1: []
Stack Trace Class.ArticleFeedbackTrigger_test.test_trigger: line 7, column 1
- Generate a new article object
- Insert it.
- Use the article's Id in your Article_Feedback__c object
When writing tests you should create all of the test data. If your class is post API version 24 you do not have access to data created outside of the test class by default.