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Denver GreeneDenver Greene 

Visual Workflow: Adding Multi-Select Choice to a Collection

In my visual workflow my first screen has a multi-select checkbox when we record which subjects our customers are interested in. I want to add these choices to a Collection Variable so that I can use them in a loop. But nothing I have tried seems to work.

It's strange because the {!subjecInterest} variable is all of the checked subjects concatonated.
Currently I am using an Assigment to add all the subjects directly (not the variables), and then looping through those and seeing if {!subjectInterest} contains the subject string.

There has to be a better way. Unfortunately dynamic choice only searches records, not fields. 

Jason Curtis NBSFDGJason Curtis NBSFDG
Hi, Denver, not to punt this question, but a lot of admins actively exploring the functionality of visual workflow are on the Salesforce Success community, they have a group here: Official: Salesforce Workflow Automation (