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Alex Kirby 8Alex Kirby 8 

Error Unknown Property Error Extension Controller

Hi All,

I am trying to generate a pdf on from a VF page and attach it to the opportunity.

I used a custom controller and tried to modify it for use as an extension controller as I don't want any user input. The pdf must be saved to the opp on a button click etc.

I think I am missing something from my controller as when I call the {!savepdf} method I am getting this error:

Error: Unknown property 'Credit_Check__cStandardController.savepdf'

Here is the controller:
public with sharing class PdfGeneratorController {

    Public final Credit_Check__c CC;    
    public PdfGeneratorController (ApexPages.StandardController 
                                       stdController) {
                                           this.CC= (Credit_check__c)stdController.getrecord();

  public PageReference savePdf1() {

    PageReference pdf = Page.Cvs_PDF;
    // add parent id to the parameters for standardcontroller

    // create the new attachment
    Attachment attach = new Attachment();

    // the contents of the attachment from the pdf
    Blob body;

    try {

        // returns the output of the page as a PDF
        body = pdf.getContent();

    // need to pass unit test -- current bug    
    } catch (VisualforceException e) {
        body = Blob.valueOf('Some Text');

    attach.Body = body;
    // add the user entered name
    attach.Name =;
    attach.IsPrivate = false;
    // attach the pdf to the account
    attach.ParentId = cc.Opportunity__r.accountid;
    insert attach;

    // send the user to the account to view results
    return new PageReference('/'+cc.Opportunity__r.accountid);



In the VF page I am simply calling {!savepdf}

Any help is much appreciated.


Best Answer chosen by Alex Kirby 8
Anoop yadavAnoop yadav

Use commandLink instead of href.
Check the below link.

All Answers

Anoop yadavAnoop yadav
In your controller method is "savePdf1()"
But you are calling "savePdf()"
Use the same method name on both the place.
Alex Kirby 8Alex Kirby 8
Thats a typo, my bad it doesn't work when they are both named the same
Anoop yadavAnoop yadav
what error you are getting?
You should query "Opportunity__r.accountid" in your controller.
Alex Kirby 8Alex Kirby 8
The error I am getting is on my VF page:

Error: Unknown property 'Credit_Check__cStandardController.savepdf'

so I have a command button with action="{!savepdf}" but the above error flags when I try to save.
Anoop yadavAnoop yadav
Post your Visualforce page.
Alex Kirby 8Alex Kirby 8
I did use:

<center><a href="" action="{!savePDF}" Oncomplete= "closeWin()" Style="cursor:pointer;" class="metro">Finish</a></center>
Alex Kirby 8Alex Kirby 8
<apex:page standardController="Credit_Check__c" extensions="PdfGeneratorController" sidebar="false" showHeader="false">

<apex:stylesheet value=",600,700"/>

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<div class="checkout-wrap">
  <ul class="checkout-bar">

    <li class="visited first">
      <a href="{!}">Opportunity Selection</a>

    <li class="previous visited">
    <a href="{!}">Credit Terms</a>

    <li class="previous visited">Credit Check</li>

    <li class="previous visited">
    <a href="{!}">Review</a>

    <li class="active">Complete</li>




<center><img src="{!URLFOR($Resource.CVS_Images,'Picture2ShadowTrans.png')}" height="230" width="320"/></center>

<center><div class="Horizontal-line"></div></center>
<center>In order to be able to keep this credit check you must accept the generated record!</center>
<br><center><input type="checkbox" name="checkboxG1" id="checkboxG1" class="css-checkbox"/><label for="checkboxG1" class="css-label"/>I Accept</center></br>
<center><div class="Horizontal-line"></div></center>

<center><a href="" Onclick= "closeWin()" Style="cursor:pointer;" class="metro">Finish</a></center>

function closeWin() {

<center><div class="Horizontal-line"></div></center>


<center>Digital PDF result certificate for record <strong>{!}</strong></center>


<center><iframe id="I1" name="I1" src="{!}" style="width: 850px; height: 263px">Your browser does not support inline frames or is currently configured not to display inline frames.</iframe></center>
<center><div class="Horizontal-line"></div></center>



Anoop yadavAnoop yadav

Use commandLink instead of href.
Check the below link.
This was selected as the best answer
Alex Kirby 8Alex Kirby 8
Excellent thank you, that has enabled the process to work and an item is attached to opportunity from my related object. A pdf is not actually being generated in the document a VFException is shown:

System.VisualforceException: SObject row was retrieved via SOQL without querying the requested field: Credit_Check__c.Opportunity__c

These fields are not in my controller but are in the VF Page, I removed this one and it just went to the next field and threw an error there.
Alex Kirby 8Alex Kirby 8
To clarify, these fields are in the PDF document.
Alex Kirby 8Alex Kirby 8
Also.. the pdf generates fine when used outside of the above process
Alex Kirby 8Alex Kirby 8
Hi All,

I have managed to pull the fields through to the PDF by adding the fields required for the PDF to a the visualforce page that the button is located on.

I am receiving an error relating to a field which is not in my pdf specifically or on the VF page.

Error below:

System.VisualforceException: common.apex.runtime.impl.ExecutionException: SObject row was retrieved via SOQL without querying the requested field: User.Name

Any help would be awesome as I am so close!


Alex Kirby 8Alex Kirby 8
Anoop yadav helped resolved the subject query so marked as BA, the secondary errors and exceptions I managed to resolve on my own.
