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Jero Torralba 8Jero Torralba 8 

ORA-20025 Error

Hello everybody,

I'm having problems with a Lead Conversion Trigger only when using a web-to-lead form (when doing it inside my org, everything works fine). I've got the web-to-lead form on Wordpress and I've used both WordPress-to-Lead for Salesforce CRM and Contact Form 7 with Forms: 3rd-Party Integration. I've tried all the combinations (both activated or just one activated). Both plugins work fine when I do not enter data that "triggers" the Lead Conversion Class. If I enter data that should trigger the class, then errors pop-up. 

I've got some Workflows that populate several fields on Leads. I've tried to change them from immediate to time-dependent and, also, I've even deactivated all of them (Lead auto-response rules also). I've read something related here: As you may have guessed, it didn't work. I've also tried to give permissions to both edit and create Leads and/or Contacts (I've read something here: It didn't work either.

When using WordPress-to-Lead for Salesforce CRM, I get the following error:

common.exception.SfdcSqlException: ORA-20025:
ORA-06512: at "DOPEY.CACCESS", line 2394
ORA-06512: at "DOPEY.CACCESS", line 588
ORA-06512: at "DOPEY.CACCESS", line 659
ORA-06512: at "DOPEY.CTASK", line 560
ORA-06512: at line 1

When using Contact Form 7 with Forms: 3rd-Party Integration, I get the following error:
common.exception.SfdcSqlException: ORA-20025: 
ORA-06512: at "BASHFUL.CACCESS", line 2394 
ORA-06512: at "BASHFUL.CACCESS", line 588 
ORA-06512: at "BASHFUL.CACCESS", line 659 
ORA-06512: at "BASHFUL.CTASK", line 560 
ORA-06512: at line 1

Lead Conversion class is:
public with sharing class leadAutoConversion {

    public void leadAutoConvert (List<Lead> leadsFromTrigger){
        LeadStatus convertStatus = [SELECT Id, MasterLabel FROM LeadStatus WHERE IsConverted=true LIMIT 1];
        List<Database.LeadConvert> leadConverts = new List<Database.LeadConvert>();
        //Triggering Autoconversion
            for(Lead lead: leadsFromTrigger){   
                if(!lead.IsConverted && lead.TOTAL_Aportacion__c != 0){
                      Database.LeadConvert lc = new Database.LeadConvert(); 
            List<Database.LeadConvertResult> lcr = Database.convertLead(leadConverts);

Trigger is:
trigger TriggerLeadAutoconversion on Lead (after insert, after update) {

    if(trigger.isAfter || trigger.isUpdate){
        //TO-DO: Instantiate an object called la from the class LeadAutoConversion
        LeadAutoConversion la = new LeadAutoConversion();
        //TO-DO: Invoke the method leadAutoConvert and send a List of Leads as an input parameter
Any Ideas?
Gaurav NirwalGaurav Nirwal
ORA-20025: SQL ID does not exist for this database/instance
Jero Torralba 8Jero Torralba 8
Hello Matthews,

Thanks for answering. 

Just in case it helps anybody: since I'm a newbie on this, and I needed to solve it quickly, I decided to create a site and capture my leads through it. It's working and solves my problem.