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Meryem FRQMeryem FRQ 

Link linked to a field


Does any one know how to create a link for a field like the [Change] for the record type or the [display hierarchy] for the account ??

Thank for the help
Best Answer chosen by Meryem FRQ
Creating a Visualforce page will let you put the links into a table column next to the data.

All Answers

Balaji BondarBalaji Bondar
Hi Meryem,

You can create a custom link and add on the page layout.
You can also create a Visualforce page to enhance functionality on standard pages.
Meryem FRQMeryem FRQ
Hi, thanks for your replies 
Well I kinda of wanted it to be next to a field not in the links area, so the user won't have to scroll all down to find the link.
Creating a Visualforce page will let you put the links into a table column next to the data.
This was selected as the best answer