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Harsha S 2Harsha S 2 

Custom Link on Task Object of Detail Page Link Display type and with Content Source as URL

Hi All,

I'm creating a custom link on Task object which has content source as URL..and I'm including it in Task Page Layout..User should be taken to a VF page related to the custom object which is in WhatId

and I'm giving the following URL{!Task.What_Id__c}

Where CEEReconciliationPage_new is my VF Page name... which should take the whatId from Task, which is my custom Object Id..

It is giving me "Id is not valid for custom_Object__c standard controller...

Can some one help me what is going wrong here ?
Harsha S 2Harsha S 2
one thing I have understood just now...

As I'm creating this custom link on Task...It might not understand that Task has been created for my custom object and the tasks of other object is not able to take up as paramater for my VF page which is on the former custom object...

So now,
How do I create this custom link for only tasks created for my custom object?
Naveen Rahul 3Naveen Rahul 3
> Idea

create a seperate page layout for the custom Record type,based on the record type set the page layout,in that page layout assign the 
custom link button,

will it work ??

D Naveen Rahul.