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Alexander RochaAlexander Rocha 

Charset error

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to put a charset in my Visualforce Page, but that doesn't work.

I tried this >>> <apex:page showHeader="false" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

and this >>> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>

Sorry my bad english!

Naveen Rahul 3Naveen Rahul 3
HI Alex,

it should be working and its working for me in my pages.

User-added image
Naveen Rahul 3Naveen Rahul 3
what was the api version you use,im using 32,31

D Naveen Rahul.
Alexander RochaAlexander Rocha
I'm using 31,00

Because of the eclipse plugin only support this version.
I will try in Developer Console.
Naveen Rahul 3Naveen Rahul 3
IN developer console it must work fine,as youc an the see the result.

D Naveen rahul.
Alexander RochaAlexander Rocha
That worked :)

Thank you very much ^^
It seems that the api 31 doesn't support UTF encoding.