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Mayank Srivastava (Salesforce fan)Mayank Srivastava (Salesforce fan) 

Need to increase code coverage on the test class. Inputs?

I wrote an Apex trigger and a test class for updating two fields on Accounts depending on some actions on the custom QA Release object. I am unable to get the code coverage reach 75% for some reason. Any inputs on what I might be doing wrong?

Apex Trigger
trigger UpdateVersionsOnAccounts on QA_Release__c (after update) {

set <id> qaRelIds = new set<id>();
set<id> accIds=new set<id>();
for(QA_Release__c {
List<QA_Release__c> qaList=[SELECT Client__c,Objective__c,Client_Site_Type__c,Delivered_Date__c,Release_Version__c 
FROM QA_Release__c 
WHERE Client__c=:qaRelIds];

List<account> accList=[SELECT Id,Production_Version__c,UAT_Version__c FROM Account where Id in:accIds];

map <id,QA_Release__c> qaMap =new map<id,QA_Release__c>();

for(QA_Release__c qa:qaList)

for( Account acc:accList){

system.debug('Entered Account list with new trigger collection');
    if(qaMap.containskey(acc.Id))  {
    date delDate=qaMap.get(acc.Id).Delivered_Date__c;
    string relVer=qaMap.get(acc.Id).Release_Version__c;
    string clInst=qaMap.get(acc.Id).Client_Site_Type__c;
    string objective=qaMap.get(acc.Id).Objective__c;
                if(objective=='New Build' && clInst=='Production')
                else if(objective=='New Build' && clInst=='QA')
        update accList; 


Test Class 
public class TestUpdateVersionsOnAccounts {
static testMethod void insertnewQARelease() {

QA_Release__c qa= new QA_Release__c();
qa.Objective__c='New Build';
insert qa;
system.debug('QA Release Id is:'+qa.Name);

//Updating the QA task
update qa;

update qa;


Result when I test coverage:

52% Code coverage
Best Answer chosen by Mayank Srivastava (Salesforce fan)
Geoffrey J FlynnGeoffrey J Flynn
It's saying that your qaMap doesn't contain the acc.Id

You need to create an Account as part of your test class, and then call the Id from that account as your qa.Client__c when you create the QA_Release__c record.  All your class is doing right now is calling a hardcoded Account Id.

All Answers

Geoffrey J FlynnGeoffrey J Flynn
It's saying that your qaMap doesn't contain the acc.Id

You need to create an Account as part of your test class, and then call the Id from that account as your qa.Client__c when you create the QA_Release__c record.  All your class is doing right now is calling a hardcoded Account Id.
This was selected as the best answer
Mayank Srivastava (Salesforce fan)Mayank Srivastava (Salesforce fan)
That worked beautifully. Thanks a ton!!