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chandrasekhar reddychandrasekhar reddy 

Deleting a converted Lead?

I created a Lead then converted. After conversion, It created an Account, Contact and Opportunity. Now If I delete the converted Lead then will there be any impact on already created Account, Contact and Opportunity ?

Best Answer chosen by chandrasekhar reddy
Geoffrey J FlynnGeoffrey J Flynn
Converted leads are kept in the database for reporting purposes.  You could run analytics on Conversion %, Time to Conversion, Conversion Rate by Country, etc.  If you don't run any analytics on converted lead information then you don't need them and there is no negative impact from deletion.  
That being said, I probably wouldn't delete them unless I was running into space issues since it does little harm to keep them.  They aren't really visible outside of reports and DataLoader pulls, and there is an IsConverted field you can always use to exclude them from anything.

All Answers

Geoffrey J FlynnGeoffrey J Flynn
No impact, they are separate records completely
chandrasekhar reddychandrasekhar reddy
Thanks much for your reply. Do you foresee any problem if converted leads are deleted? Why are these converted leads required?
Geoffrey J FlynnGeoffrey J Flynn
Converted leads are kept in the database for reporting purposes.  You could run analytics on Conversion %, Time to Conversion, Conversion Rate by Country, etc.  If you don't run any analytics on converted lead information then you don't need them and there is no negative impact from deletion.  
That being said, I probably wouldn't delete them unless I was running into space issues since it does little harm to keep them.  They aren't really visible outside of reports and DataLoader pulls, and there is an IsConverted field you can always use to exclude them from anything.
This was selected as the best answer
chandrasekhar reddychandrasekhar reddy
Thank you so much for your answer.