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Is it possible to create a trigger to update Parent field in comma separated format?
I have two objects Parent(Account) and Child(Contact). I want to update all associated child records 'Last Name' with comma separated formate in parent filed (custome field).
For suppose i have five child records for associate parent record, now i want to update this five child records last names into that parent filed with comma separated.
I know we can do this using VF and Apex. Can you please clarify is it possible through Triggers? And if u can please share sample code.
Thanks in advance!!!!
For suppose i have five child records for associate parent record, now i want to update this five child records last names into that parent filed with comma separated.
I know we can do this using VF and Apex. Can you please clarify is it possible through Triggers? And if u can please share sample code.
Thanks in advance!!!!
You can easily do it through following trigger:
trigger CopyChildNames on Contact(after insert, after update, before delete){
List<String> accountsLst = new List<String>();
List<String> accountsToUpdate= new List<String>();
List<String> excludedContacts = new List<String>();
for(contact con :{
String subQuery = 'SELECT Lastname FROM Contacts';
subQuery = ' Id NOT IN excludedContacts';
String query = 'SELECT Id, Name , Custom_field__c, (' + subQuery + ') FROM Account WHERE Id IN accountLst'
for(Account acc : Database.Query(query)){
string lastnameValues = '';
for(Contact relatedCon : acc.Contacts){
lastnameValues += String.isBlank(lastnameValues) ? con.lastname : ',' + con.lastname;
acc.Custom_field__c = lastnameValues;
Hope this helps!!
Now we can populate child records field value on parent record in comma seperate by using apex trigger.
Please see my post-:
Hope this helpful !!!