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Christopher PezzaChristopher Pezza 

Grouping in Repeats

I am looking to repeat a list with groups so that the result looks like this
Category Name
Feature Name        Feature Status

Category Name
Feature Name       Feature Status

How would i write my code for this i have this as my example but it produces no results when i know there are 100+

public Id CHid {get;set;} 

public class FCHArea
        public List<FCH_Joins__c> lichjoins {get; set;}
        public string strAreaName {get; set;}

        public FCHArea(FCH_Joins__c sJoins)
            strAreaName = sJoins.nCino_Feature__r.nCino_Feature_Category__r.Name;
            lichjoins = new List<FCH_Joins__c>{sJoins};

public List<FCHArea> liAreas {get; set;}
    private Map<string, FCHArea> mapAreas = new Map<string, FCHArea>();

Public nCino_CHIndividualController() {
Chid = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('ID');

        for(FCH_Joins__c sJoins : [SELECT Id, Name, Status__c, nCino_Feature__r.Name FROM FCH_Joins__c WHERE Customer_Health__c = :CHid])
            if(mapAreas.get(sJoins.nCino_Feature__r.nCino_Feature_Category__r.Name) == null)
                mapAreas.put(sJoins.nCino_Feature__r.nCino_Feature_Category__r.Name, new FCHArea(sJoins));

<apex:repeat value="{!liAreas}" var="a">
                                        <div class="col-lg-6">
                                            <table class="table table-hover">
                                                        <th colspan="2" class="text-center">The Name</th>
                                                    <apex:repeat value="{!a.lichjoins}" var="c">
                                                            <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!c.Status__c == 'Yes - Successfully'}">
                                                                <td class="bg-green">{!c.Status__c}</td>
                                                            <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!c.Status__c == 'Yes - Needs Improvement' || c.Status__c == 'Yes - Piloting' || c.Status__c == 'No - Implementing'}">
                                                                <td class="bg-yellow">{!c.Status__c}</td>
                                                            <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!c.Status__c == 'No - Needs Revisiting'}">
                                                                <td class="bg-red">{!c.Status__c}</td>
                                                            <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!c.Status__c == 'No - Not Applicable'}">

Best Answer chosen by Christopher Pezza

Hope below code will help you.

public class nCino_CHIndividualController{
	public Id CHid {get;set;} 
	public class FCHArea
		public List<FCH_Joins__c> lichjoins {get; set;}
		public string strAreaName {get; set;}
		public FCHArea(FCH_Joins__c sJoins)
			strAreaName = sJoins.nCino_Feature__r.nCino_Feature_Category__r.Name;
			lichjoins = new List<FCH_Joins__c>{sJoins};
	public List<FCHArea> liAreas {get; set;}
	private Map<string, FCHArea> mapAreas = new Map<string, FCHArea>();

	Public nCino_CHIndividualController() 
		Chid = Apexpages.currentPage().getParameters().get('ID');

        for(FCH_Joins__c sJoins : [SELECT Id, Name, Status__c, nCino_Feature__r.Name,nCino_Feature__r.nCino_Feature_Category__r.Name FROM FCH_Joins__c WHERE Customer_Health__c = :CHid])
            if(mapAreas.get(sJoins.nCino_Feature__r.nCino_Feature_Category__r.Name) == null)
                mapAreas.put(sJoins.nCino_Feature__r.nCino_Feature_Category__r.Name, new FCHArea(sJoins));
				FCHArea local = mapAreas.get(sJoins.nCino_Feature__r.nCino_Feature_Category__r.Name);
		if(mapAreas != null && mapAreas.size()>0)
			liAreas = mapAreas.values();

<apex:repeat value="{!liAreas}" var="a">
                                        <div class="col-lg-6">
                                            <table class="table table-hover">
                                                        <th colspan="2" class="text-center">{!a.strAreaName }</th>
                                                    <apex:repeat value="{!a.lichjoins}" var="c">
                                                            <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!c.Status__c == 'Yes - Successfully'}">
                                                                <td class="bg-green">{!c.Status__c}</td>
                                                            <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!c.Status__c == 'Yes - Needs Improvement' || c.Status__c == 'Yes - Piloting' || c.Status__c == 'No - Implementing'}">
                                                                <td class="bg-yellow">{!c.Status__c}</td>
                                                            <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!c.Status__c == 'No - Needs Revisiting'}">
                                                                <td class="bg-red">{!c.Status__c}</td>
                                                            <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!c.Status__c == 'No - Not Applicable'}">

Please mark as a solution if it helps you.