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Simon WhightSimon Whight 

External Objects - I don't have the same settings demo videos do

I thought I'd see if I could speak to one of our bespoke systems in my company via External Objects. When attempting to do the setup, I only have Simple URL as an option, whereas all the videos have things like OAuth etc. Why am I missing these options? Not much in the way of help for doing such a thing online.
I think some of the things that are shone in some of the videos are features for External Objects that are not available yet (like writing Apex connectors).  Also, it may be that some of the External Object features demoed will only be available as an add-on to the platform, and not as part of the standard offering.  I would reach out to Salesforce support to see if the features you are looking for are just coming in a future release or are not part of the standard offering.