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System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject in Test Class
I am trying to create a test class for a security check class. I am using a SOQL query to get an account and pass that along to the class. When I do a Run Test in the sandbox, it give me the following error:
System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject
Class.SecurityCheckTest.securityCheckTest: line 32, column 1
I believe this is telling me that the query is not returning any data to put into the "acct" attribute. But I have put a "where id != NULL" on the query. Can anyone give me a suggestion as to why I would still be getting this error?
Line 32 -
acct = [select id,name,ownerId,BillingAddress,ShippingAddress,Billing_Address__c,Shipping_Address__c,BillingStreet ,BillingCity,BillingState,BillingPostalCode,BillingCountry, ShippingStreet,ShippingCity,ShippingState,ShippingPostalCode,ShippingCountry,, ,CreatedDate,,, lastmodifieddate,Ultimate_Parent_Owner_ID__c,lastActivityDate,account_availability__c,Account_Link__c,Account_Hierarchy_Link__c from account where id != NULL limit 1];Test Class -
@isTest private class SecurityCheckTest { static testMethod void securityCheckTest() { boolean showing; User runThis = [Select id, alias, email, username, userRoleId, ProfileId From User Where userRoleId != NULL limit 1]; system.debug('runThis user ==> ' + runThis); Account acct = new Account(); acct = [select id,name,ownerId,BillingAddress,ShippingAddress,Billing_Address__c,Shipping_Address__c,BillingStreet ,BillingCity,BillingState,BillingPostalCode,BillingCountry, ShippingStreet,ShippingCity,ShippingState,ShippingPostalCode,ShippingCountry,, ,CreatedDate,,, lastmodifieddate,Ultimate_Parent_Owner_ID__c,lastActivityDate,account_availability__c,Account_Link__c,Account_Hierarchy_Link__c from account where id != NULL limit 1]; insert acct; // is this necessary? system.debug('acct id ==> ' +; system.debug('Name ==> '+ acct.Name); system.debug('UPO ID ==> ' + acct.Ultimate_Parent_Owner_ID__c); if(acct!=NULL){ SecurityCheck sec = new SecurityCheck(acct); system.debug('acct ==> ' + acct); system.debug('currRecord ==> ' + sec.currRecord); system.RunAs(runThis){ showing = sec.showPage(); } } else { system.debug('==> Account is empty'); } system.debug('showing ==> ' + showing); } }Thanks for any help that you can give.
at the begining of your test class
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at the begining of your test class
Thank you for your reply. That was the answer I needed. I also removed the "insert acct;" as this was not necessary either.