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Carrie Farnsworth
INVALID_CROSS_REFERENCE_KEY, Assigned To ID: owner cannot be blank: [OwnerId] on trigger to create task
Hi All,
I made a simple trigger to create a task related to the Opportunity and assigned to the Opportunity Owner when a particular field on a related object is changed. I'm getting Invalid Cross Reference: owner ID cannot be blank. I read some other posts about the error and I somewhat know what the problem is, but I don't really understand how to fix it. Can anyone help me please?
Here is my trigger:
And the helper:
I made a simple trigger to create a task related to the Opportunity and assigned to the Opportunity Owner when a particular field on a related object is changed. I'm getting Invalid Cross Reference: owner ID cannot be blank. I read some other posts about the error and I somewhat know what the problem is, but I don't really understand how to fix it. Can anyone help me please?
Here is my trigger:
trigger CreateTaskOnRed on project_cloud__Project__c (after update) { List<task> TasksToInsert = new List<task>(); for (project_cloud__project__c pj: { //only run if the project health is red if (pj.project_cloud__Health__c == 'Red') { //compile data for affected project project_cloud__project__c[] pjs = [ SELECT name, id, ccpe_ocp__Opportunity__c FROM project_cloud__project__c WHERE IN]; //create task for opportunity owner task t = new task(); t.RecordTypeId = '012i0000000xowf'; t.ownerid =; t.whatID =; t.ActivityDate =; t.Subject = 'Other'; t.Type__c = 'Other'; t.Account_Type__c = 'Other'; t.Drop_Type__c = 'Other'; t.Broker_Care_Type__c = 'General Inquiries'; t.Priority = 'High (High Priority)'; t.Status = 'open'; TasksToInsert.add(t); } else{} if(TasksToInsert!=null && !TasksToInsert.isEmpty()){ ProjectTriggerHelper.createTasks(TasksToInsert); } } }
And the helper:
public class ProjectTriggerHelper { public static void createTasks(List<Task> TasksToInsert){ try{ insert TasksToInsert; } catch(Exception err){ system.debug('\n Error while creating tasks. \n' + err.getMessage() + ' \n' + err.getStackTraceString()); } } }
Please try changing the line as shown below.
t.ownerid = pj.ccpe_ocp__Opportunity__r.ownerId;
PS: If this solves your problem, please mark this as 'Best Answer'
Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INVALID_CROSS_REFERENCE_KEY, Assigned To ID: owner cannot be blank: [OwnerId] Class.ProjectTriggerHelper.createTasks: line 5, column 1 Trigger.CreateTaskOnRed: line 33, column 1