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Richard Dwyer
Apex Trigger is not changing the status from Notice to Inactive on Custom Object
Hi Team,
I have a code written to change the Status of the record from Notice Period to Inactive for custom object 'Enrollments'. The code is
However since November this is not working as there are lot of Notice period records that are ot changing the status to inactive in the link:
I tried to debug the code but could not find any reason why its not firing. I would like to know which part of that trigger is causing the issue. Test record t replicate is
Please help to find which part of the code is causing the issue in not obtaining the record status.
Provided login access for Any help would be highly appreciated!!
I have a code written to change the Status of the record from Notice Period to Inactive for custom object 'Enrollments'. The code is
However since November this is not working as there are lot of Notice period records that are ot changing the status to inactive in the link:
I tried to debug the code but could not find any reason why its not firing. I would like to know which part of that trigger is causing the issue. Test record t replicate is
Please help to find which part of the code is causing the issue in not obtaining the record status.
Provided login access for Any help would be highly appreciated!!
Thanks for your insight here. I have given the login access for support and so thought you might logging in with Blacktab access.
The code is mentioned below:
global class batchSetClassInactiveAfterLastClassDate Implements Database.Batchable<sObject>{
global String qry;
global batchSetClassInactiveAfterLastClassDate(String thisqry){
qry = thisqry;
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc) {
Date dt =;
return Database.getQueryLocator(qry);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<sObject> enrol){
system.debug('############ enrol =' + enrol);
set<ID> contIDs = new set<ID>();
for (Enrollments__c thisenrol : (List<Enrollments__c>)enrol)
system.debug('############ contIDs =' + contIDs);
Map<ID,Contact> thiscontMap = new Map<ID,Contact>([select id, Name,RecordTypeID from Contact where id In :contIDs ]);
system.debug('############ thiscontMap =' + thiscontMap);
// fianally a map of all enrolments against the contacts
for (Enrollments__c thisenrolment : (List<Enrollments__c>)enrol)
system.debug('############ thisenrolment =' + thisenrolment);
system.debug('############ thisenrolment is after last class date, so should be set to Inactive');
thisenrolment.Status__c = 'Inactive';
system.debug('############ thisenrolment now=' + thisenrolment);
update enrol;
// last payment date
system.debug('############ no look for all enrolments that should be set 2 zero becasue teh last payment date is today');
list<Enrollments__c> enrollastpaymentdatetoday = [select Id, Status__c, Last_Payment_Date__c, Contact__c From Enrollments__c
where Status__c = 'Notice Period' and Last_Payment_Date__c <=];
system.debug('############ enrollastpaymentdatetoday =' + enrollastpaymentdatetoday);
update enrollastpaymentdatetoday;
system.debug('############ enrollastpaymentdatetoday after update=' + enrollastpaymentdatetoday);
//set to contact type Ex-Student
Map<ID, Set<String>> enrollTypeMap = new Map<ID, Set<String>>();
list<Enrollments__c> erolls = [select Id, Status__c, Last_Class_Date__c, Contact__c From Enrollments__c where Contact__c In :contIDs];
Map<Id, list<Enrollments__c>> allEnrollToContactMap = new Map<Id, list<Enrollments__c>>();
list<Enrollments__c> enrollLst;
for (Enrollments__c eachEnroll : erolls){
if (allEnrollToContactMap.get(eachenroll.Contact__c) == null)
enrollLst = new list<Enrollments__c>();
enrollLst = allEnrollToContactMap.get(eachenroll.Contact__c);
allEnrollToContactMap.put(eachenroll.Contact__c, enrollLst);
system.debug('############ erolls =' + erolls);
//for (Enrollments__c erolls : [select Id, Status__c, Last_Class_Date__c, Contact__c From Enrollments__c where Contact__c In :contIDs]){
//Set<String> enrollTypeSet;
//if (enrollTypeMap.get(erolls.Contact__c) != null){
// enrollTypeSet = enrollTypeMap.get(erolls.Contact__c);
// enrollTypeSet = new Set<String>();
//system.debug('############ enrollTypeSet =' + enrollTypeSet);
Utils.convertToExStudent(thiscontMap.Values(), allEnrollToContactMap);
//update thiscontMap.Values();
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Thanks & Regards,
Richard Dwyer
Hi Roy, I don't know.
Are you able to log into my org to take a look?
I have given the login access for support and so you are able to log in with Blacktab access.