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Frédéric TrébuchetFrédéric Trébuchet 

Badges and points

Hi everyone,

Does anyone know the different badges that can be achieved by contributing to this forum (newbie, smartie, etc) and how many points match each level?

Best Answer chosen by Frédéric Trébuchet
I think it has 4 levels.
newbie - until 500
smartie - 500 - 2000
pro -2000 - 5000
allstar > 5000

All Answers

I think it has 4 levels.
newbie - until 500
smartie - 500 - 2000
pro -2000 - 5000
allstar > 5000
This was selected as the best answer
Frédéric TrébuchetFrédéric Trébuchet
Thank's a lot.

what are these point it regarinf number of question you asnwed or it regarding the likes you recived

or the Points  which come next to your name in profile
R Z KhanR Z Khan
its pointes next to your name. You get 5 points for getting a like. adn 25 for best answer
Pasan   EeriyagamaPasan Eeriyagama
Does anyone have a link to a place where salesforce describes this point system. Thanks.
Ramakrishna Reddy GouniRamakrishna Reddy Gouni
How it scored points?