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Sateesh mSateesh m 

Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject: LIST<Account>

Please find the below trigger ...getting below error " Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject: LIST<Account>"

Could you please let me know what is this error ?

trigger AccountDuplicate on Account (before insert, before update)
        List<Account> acc =[select id, Name from Account where Name=:a.Name];
        acc.Name.addError('You Cannot Create the Duplicate Account');
Best Answer chosen by Sateesh m
In the below line you should be using a instead of acc as acc is a list of accounts not a specific account.

acc.Name.addError('You Cannot Create the Duplicate Account');

All Answers

In the below line you should be using a instead of acc as acc is a list of accounts not a specific account.

acc.Name.addError('You Cannot Create the Duplicate Account');
This was selected as the best answer
Sateesh mSateesh m
Thanks Suneel,  Now it's working fine.

a.Name.addError('You Cannot Create the Duplicate Account');

OK great.Please mark this as solved