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Mohan Selvam
Is it poosible to archive records? we have reached 64% in Data Storage.
Hi all,
we have reached 64% in Data Storage, Is there any possibilities to Archive records?
There are 2 possibilities to solve this problem.
One way is to puchase additional sapce from salesforce
and anothere one is to backup our records and delete them.
Please tell me is there any other methods avalibale to resolve this issue.
Please send me the link.
Thanks and Regards
S Mohan
we have reached 64% in Data Storage, Is there any possibilities to Archive records?
There are 2 possibilities to solve this problem.
One way is to puchase additional sapce from salesforce
and anothere one is to backup our records and delete them.
Please tell me is there any other methods avalibale to resolve this issue.
Please send me the link.
Thanks and Regards
S Mohan
I will tell you the process
Find out which object records are taking more data storage
Data Management > Storage Usage
Create a visualforce page to select the date fields (startDate and endDate) or you can even use two custom labels to specify them
Create two batch classes where one is to convert them as attchments and store it under their parent, lets say you have specified two dates
and you have large number of contacts
then the batch should iterate over Accounts (you can have a field which specifies whether it is already archived or not)
in execute method, query all contacts within the specified time
create a csv file add all attachments and insert them out side of the loop and then update Accounts that they are already processed
Another batch is to delete all the records within the specified region, by iterating over already processed records
All Answers
I would prefare you to backup data with cloud Backup service Providers like "CloudAlly" because salesforce also prefare these activites in situations you are suffering from.Here is link for backup service.
Senior Salesforce/.Net Developer
There is an additional option that converting data storage into file storage (csv) using apex and adding them as attachments under their parent objects, you can achieve this by using apex & visualforce
64% is not an urgent thing, so you may also look at some other cheaper data storage providers and integrate them to salesforce
Thanks for you immediate response.
S Mohan
Thank you so much for your response
S Mohan
Hi Chidambar Reddy
If you don't mind could you please share the sample code to convert Data Storage into File storage
I will tell you the process
Find out which object records are taking more data storage
Data Management > Storage Usage
Create a visualforce page to select the date fields (startDate and endDate) or you can even use two custom labels to specify them
Create two batch classes where one is to convert them as attchments and store it under their parent, lets say you have specified two dates
and you have large number of contacts
then the batch should iterate over Accounts (you can have a field which specifies whether it is already archived or not)
in execute method, query all contacts within the specified time
create a csv file add all attachments and insert them out side of the loop and then update Accounts that they are already processed
Another batch is to delete all the records within the specified region, by iterating over already processed records
Thanks for you time and valuable guidance.
S Mohan
Just wanted to check if you got the archiving done as required with the solution suggested in the trail. Also, can you provide me the sample code, if it is readily available to you?