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Radhika pawar 5
How to retrives the Lookupdata using List
Hey Friends,
I have One Issused which i m facing saved the Multipicklist value present in UP_Library_book__c Object Name
I m using Three Object
Name like :
Relation ship are :
I m doing:
But after saving :It will showing
Its not saved Multi picklist value
My code:
public with sharing class testctrlUPLBAssig{
public UP_Batch__c Batch{get;set;}
private final UP_Batch__c Batchc;
private List<Student> lstStudents;
private List<UP_Library_book__c> lstBooks;
public List<SelectOption> book_options{get;set;}
public testctrlUPLBAssig(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
Batchc = (UP_Batch__c)controller.getRecord();
book_options = new List<SelectOption>();
lstStudents = new List<Student>();
if(this.Batchc.Id != null) {
Batch = [SELECT Id, Name, Address__c, program__c, Academic_Year__c, Start_date__c, community__r.Name, community__c from UP_Batch__c where Id=: this.Batchc.Id];
private void LoadExistingTask() {
List<up_student__c> tempstu = [Select id, Contact__r.Name from up_student__c where Batch__c =: Order by CreatedDate];
List <UP_Library_book__c>temp_book = [SELECT id, Age_Group__c, community__c, title__c FROM UP_Library_book__c WHERE community__c =: batch.community__c order by title__c];
Map<id, UP_Library_book__c> mbook = new map<id, UP_Library_book__c>();
for(UP_Library_book__c temp : temp_book) {
mbook.put(, temp);
List<UP_Book_Assignment__c> temp_assign = [SELECT Book__c FROM UP_Book_Assignment__c WHERE returned__c = false and student__c =: tempstu];
temp_assign = [SELECT Issued_Month__c,Student__c,Book__c,Book__r.Book_List__c,Book__r.Title__c FROM UP_Book_Assignment__c WHERE student__c =: tempstu order by createddate desc];
Map<id, List<UP_Book_Assignment__c>> massign = new Map<id, List<UP_Book_Assignment__c>>();
List<UP_Book_Assignment__c> swap;
for(UP_Book_Assignment__c temp : temp_assign) {
swap = massign.get(temp.student__c);
if (swap == null) {
swap = new List<UP_Book_Assignment__c>();
massign.put(temp.student__c, swap);
for(up_student__c stu : tempstu) {
lststudents.add(new student(stu, massign.get(;
public pageReference Save() {
List<UP_Book_Assignment__c> lst_assign = new List<UP_Book_Assignment__c>();
try {
for (Student st : lstStudents) {
for(UP_Book_Assignment__c temp : st.assign) {
upsert lst_assign;
catch(DmlException ex) {
return null;
PageReference prPage;
prPage = new PageReference('/apex/up_l_assignment?id=' + this.Batchc.Id);
return prPage;
public List<Student> getOppTask() {
return lstStudents;
public class Student {
public List<UP_Book_Assignment__c> assign {get;set;}
public UP_Student__c stu {get;set;}
public Student(UP_student__c student, List<UP_Book_Assignment__c> assign) {
this.stu = student;
if (assign == null)
assign = new List<UP_Book_Assignment__c>();
this.assign = assign;
public PageReference addStudentPlacement() {
this.assign.add(new UP_Book_Assignment__c(student__c =;
return null;
I have One Issused which i m facing saved the Multipicklist value present in UP_Library_book__c Object Name
I m using Three Object
Name like :
Relation ship are :
I m doing:
But after saving :It will showing
Its not saved Multi picklist value
My code:
public with sharing class testctrlUPLBAssig{
public UP_Batch__c Batch{get;set;}
private final UP_Batch__c Batchc;
private List<Student> lstStudents;
private List<UP_Library_book__c> lstBooks;
public List<SelectOption> book_options{get;set;}
public testctrlUPLBAssig(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
Batchc = (UP_Batch__c)controller.getRecord();
book_options = new List<SelectOption>();
lstStudents = new List<Student>();
if(this.Batchc.Id != null) {
Batch = [SELECT Id, Name, Address__c, program__c, Academic_Year__c, Start_date__c, community__r.Name, community__c from UP_Batch__c where Id=: this.Batchc.Id];
private void LoadExistingTask() {
List<up_student__c> tempstu = [Select id, Contact__r.Name from up_student__c where Batch__c =: Order by CreatedDate];
List <UP_Library_book__c>temp_book = [SELECT id, Age_Group__c, community__c, title__c FROM UP_Library_book__c WHERE community__c =: batch.community__c order by title__c];
Map<id, UP_Library_book__c> mbook = new map<id, UP_Library_book__c>();
for(UP_Library_book__c temp : temp_book) {
mbook.put(, temp);
List<UP_Book_Assignment__c> temp_assign = [SELECT Book__c FROM UP_Book_Assignment__c WHERE returned__c = false and student__c =: tempstu];
temp_assign = [SELECT Issued_Month__c,Student__c,Book__c,Book__r.Book_List__c,Book__r.Title__c FROM UP_Book_Assignment__c WHERE student__c =: tempstu order by createddate desc];
Map<id, List<UP_Book_Assignment__c>> massign = new Map<id, List<UP_Book_Assignment__c>>();
List<UP_Book_Assignment__c> swap;
for(UP_Book_Assignment__c temp : temp_assign) {
swap = massign.get(temp.student__c);
if (swap == null) {
swap = new List<UP_Book_Assignment__c>();
massign.put(temp.student__c, swap);
for(up_student__c stu : tempstu) {
lststudents.add(new student(stu, massign.get(;
public pageReference Save() {
List<UP_Book_Assignment__c> lst_assign = new List<UP_Book_Assignment__c>();
try {
for (Student st : lstStudents) {
for(UP_Book_Assignment__c temp : st.assign) {
upsert lst_assign;
catch(DmlException ex) {
return null;
PageReference prPage;
prPage = new PageReference('/apex/up_l_assignment?id=' + this.Batchc.Id);
return prPage;
public List<Student> getOppTask() {
return lstStudents;
public class Student {
public List<UP_Book_Assignment__c> assign {get;set;}
public UP_Student__c stu {get;set;}
public Student(UP_student__c student, List<UP_Book_Assignment__c> assign) {
this.stu = student;
if (assign == null)
assign = new List<UP_Book_Assignment__c>();
this.assign = assign;
public PageReference addStudentPlacement() {
this.assign.add(new UP_Book_Assignment__c(student__c =;
return null;