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Sandra OSandra O 

Help with trigger - only updates after edit/save

I have a trigger on the Account - I am trying to trigger an upadte on the Account to do an update on related Integration Account records.  However, the update is only applied after I do an edit/save on indivudual Interation Account records.

this is what I have so far:
trigger UpdateIA on Account (after update) 
        Integer index = 0;       
        for(Account acc : Trigger.New)
                //Check entry criteria
                if(acc.Complexity__c != Trigger.Old[index].Complexity__c)                
                         List<Integration_Account__c> listIA = [Select Complexity_roll_up__c from Integration_Account__c where Integration_Account__c.Account_ID__c =:];      
                           for(Integration_Account__c ia : listIA)
                                 ia.Complexity_Roll_Up__c = acc.Complexity__c;
                         update listIA;    

Best Answer chosen by Sandra O
Sandra OSandra O

I was able to accomplish this functionality with Flow and a Flow trigger.   THanks for you assistance.

All Answers

Hi Sandra,

Since we have governer limits in salesforce, we shouldn't write soql queries inside FOR loops. I have updated your trigger, you can use this.
trigger UpdateIA on Account (after update) 
    list<Integration_Account__c> intaccsList = [Select Complexity_roll_up__c,Account_ID__c from Integration_Account__c where Integration_Account__c.Account_ID__c in : trigger.newmap.keyset()];
    Map<id,list<Integration_Account__c>> accIntMap = Map<id,list<Integration_Account__c>>();
    for(Account acc : Trigger.New){
         list<Integration_Account__c> tempList = new list<Integration_Account__c>();
         for(Integration_Account__c int :intaccsList ){
              if( == int.Account_ID__c){
         accIntMap.put(,tempList );
    list<Integration_Account__c> updateList = new list<Integration_Account__c>();
        Integer index = 0;       
        for(Account acc : Trigger.New)
                //Check entry criteria
                if(acc.Complexity__c != Trigger.Old[index].Complexity__c)                
                          list<Integration_Account__c> secTempList =  accIntMap.get(;
                            for(Integration_Account__c ia : secTempList)
                                 ia.Complexity_Roll_Up__c = acc.Complexity__c;
            update updateList;

Best Regards,
Sandra OSandra O
HI Mithun,

THank you for your help!  I am getting the following error:

[Error] Error: Compile Error: unexpected token: 'Map' at line 5 column 4
Hi Sandra,

Sorry, we had missed the "New" keyword in map definition. Here is the updated one.
trigger UpdateIA on Account (after update) 
    list<Integration_Account__c> intaccsList = [Select Complexity_roll_up__c,Account_ID__c from Integration_Account__c where Integration_Account__c.Account_ID__c in : trigger.newmap.keyset()];
    Map<id,list<Integration_Account__c>> accIntMap = new  Map<id,list<Integration_Account__c>>();
    for(Account acc : Trigger.New){
         list<Integration_Account__c> tempList = new list<Integration_Account__c>();
         for(Integration_Account__c int :intaccsList ){
              if( == int.Account_ID__c){
         accIntMap.put(,tempList );
    list<Integration_Account__c> updateList = new list<Integration_Account__c>();
        Integer index = 0;       
        for(Account acc : Trigger.New)
                //Check entry criteria
                if(acc.Complexity__c != Trigger.Old[index].Complexity__c)                
                          list<Integration_Account__c> secTempList =  accIntMap.get(;
                            for(Integration_Account__c ia : secTempList)
                                 ia.Complexity_Roll_Up__c = acc.Complexity__c;
            update updateList;

Best Regards,
Sandra OSandra O

This is working - but its only updating after a update an individual Integration account record and hit edit/make no changes/save.
Sandra OSandra O

I was able to accomplish this functionality with Flow and a Flow trigger.   THanks for you assistance.
This was selected as the best answer