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Melissa SautterMelissa Sautter 

Fields not Updating from Visual Workflow Record Update

I have created a simple Visual Workflow and associated it with a button on an Opportunity record. It seems to run fine except when I check the fields after inputting the updates, nothing has updated or saved to the Opportunity record.
I created a simple workflow:
User-added image
I am trying to update 2 fields on the record. I have created variables for each of those fields and added them to the Record Update
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When I click on the Custom Button to run the flow it seems to work fine, but when I return to the fields, nothing I entered has updated. 
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Any thoughts on why the fields wouldn't update? Could it be a permission issue?  Your help is greatly appreciated. I'm going in circles! Thanks!
Melissa SautterMelissa Sautter
 I feel like I'm just missing one thing that's not allowing the Opportunity record to update. Any help on this would be GREATLY appreicated. I'm going in circles.