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Keaton KleinKeaton Klein 

Trying to increase my test coverage again

I have this trigger with the following test and i am only getting 31% coverage.  The concept of test still has me confused, any help would be greatly appreciated.
trigger AcceptanceSigned on Task (after insert, after update) {
    Set<Id> LogIds = new Set<Id>();
    Map<Id,Account> mapacctLogWithId = new Map<Id,Account>();
    Map<Id,Account> mapAccLogToUpdate = new Map<Id,Account>();
    for(Task t:{
        if(t.WhatId != null && string.valueof(t.WhatId).startsWith('a01')){
    for(Account a:[SELECT Description, easy_workflow__c FROM Account WHERE ID IN:LogIds]){
    for(Task t:{
        if(t.WhatId != null && string.valueof(t.WhatId).startsWith('a01') && t.Status == 'Completed' && mapacctLogWithId != null && mapacctLogWithId.get(t.WhatId) != null){
            Account accLog = new Account();
            if(mapAccLogToUpdate != null && mapAccLogToUpdate.get(t.WhatId) != null){
                accLog = mapAccLogToUpdate.get(t.WhatId);
            else if(mapAccLogToUpdate != null && mapAccLogToUpdate.get(t.WhatId) == null){
                accLog = mapacctLogWithId.get(t.WhatId);
            accLog.easy_workflow__c = accLog.easy_workflow__c + ';'+ t.subject;
            //accLog.easy_workflow__c = accLog.easy_workflow__c.replace(t.subject,'');
            if(t.Subject == 'Sign Acceptance Form'){
                accLog.Description = 'Acceptance Form Signed';    
                if(t.WhatId != null && string.valueof(t.WhatId).startsWith('a01') && t.Status == 'Open' && mapacctLogWithId != null && mapacctLogWithId.get(t.WhatId) != null){
            Account accLog = new Account();
            if(mapAccLogToUpdate != null && mapAccLogToUpdate.get(t.WhatId) != null){
                accLog = mapAccLogToUpdate.get(t.WhatId);
            else if(mapAccLogToUpdate != null && mapAccLogToUpdate.get(t.WhatId) == null){
                accLog = mapacctLogWithId.get(t.WhatId);
            //accLog.easy_workflow__c = accLog.easy_workflow__c + ';'+ t.subject
                    if(accLog.easy_workflow__c != null && accLog.easy_workflow__c !=''){
            accLog.easy_workflow__c = accLog.easy_workflow__c.replace(t.subject,'');
            if(t.Subject == 'Sign Acceptance Form'){
                accLog.Description = 'Acceptance Form Signed';    
    if(mapAccLogToUpdate != null && mapAccLogToUpdate.values() != null &&mapAccLogToUpdate.values().size() > 0){
        update mapAccLogToUpdate.values();
    } }
@isTest(SeeAllData = true)
public class AcceptanceSignedTest {
         public static testMethod void testAcceptanceSigned(){
             Account testLog = new Account(name='Test', description = 'Test');
             insert testLog;
             Task testTask = new Task(Subject = 'Sign Acceptance Form', whatId = testLog.ID, Status = 'Completed');
             insert testTask;
             Account testLog2 = new Account(name='Test2', description = 'Test2');
             insert testLog2;
             Task testTask2 = new Task(Subject = 'Test', whatId = testLog2.ID, Status = 'Completed');
             insert testTask2;
             Account testLoga = new Account(name='Test', description = 'Test');
             insert testLoga;
             Task testTaska = new Task(Subject = 'Sign Acceptance Form', whatId = testLog.ID, Status = 'Open');
             insert testTaska;
             Account testLog2a = new Account(name='Test2', description = 'Test2');
             insert testLog2a;
             Task testTask2a = new Task(Subject = 'Test', whatId = testLog2.ID, Status = 'Open');
             insert testTask2a;

Best Answer chosen by Keaton Klein
Sameer Tyagi SFDCSameer Tyagi SFDC
Hi Keaton,

I see that you have written this line many times in your code.

I would like to inform you that account id always starts with 001
Thats why, your condition does not cover in trigger. 

Sameer Tyagi

All Answers

Sameer Tyagi SFDCSameer Tyagi SFDC
Hi Keaton,

I see that you have written this line many times in your code.

I would like to inform you that account id always starts with 001
Thats why, your condition does not cover in trigger. 

Sameer Tyagi
This was selected as the best answer
Sameer Tyagi SFDCSameer Tyagi SFDC
You just need to replace all  'a01' with '001'
Like this 

Your coverage will be 93% . :) 


Keaton KleinKeaton Klein
Ahh, thank you very much, i must haev overlooked that 20 times.