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Keaton Klein
Trying to increase my test coverage again
I have this trigger with the following test and i am only getting 31% coverage. The concept of test still has me confused, any help would be greatly appreciated.
trigger AcceptanceSigned on Task (after insert, after update) { Set<Id> LogIds = new Set<Id>(); Map<Id,Account> mapacctLogWithId = new Map<Id,Account>(); Map<Id,Account> mapAccLogToUpdate = new Map<Id,Account>(); for(Task t:{ if(t.WhatId != null && string.valueof(t.WhatId).startsWith('a01')){ LogIds.add(t.WhatId); } } for(Account a:[SELECT Description, easy_workflow__c FROM Account WHERE ID IN:LogIds]){ mapacctLogWithId.put(a.Id,a); } for(Task t:{ if(t.WhatId != null && string.valueof(t.WhatId).startsWith('a01') && t.Status == 'Completed' && mapacctLogWithId != null && mapacctLogWithId.get(t.WhatId) != null){ Account accLog = new Account(); if(mapAccLogToUpdate != null && mapAccLogToUpdate.get(t.WhatId) != null){ accLog = mapAccLogToUpdate.get(t.WhatId); } else if(mapAccLogToUpdate != null && mapAccLogToUpdate.get(t.WhatId) == null){ accLog = mapacctLogWithId.get(t.WhatId); } accLog.easy_workflow__c = accLog.easy_workflow__c + ';'+ t.subject; //accLog.easy_workflow__c = accLog.easy_workflow__c.replace(t.subject,''); if(t.Subject == 'Sign Acceptance Form'){ accLog.Description = 'Acceptance Form Signed'; } mapAccLogToUpdate.put(accLog.Id,accLog); } if(t.WhatId != null && string.valueof(t.WhatId).startsWith('a01') && t.Status == 'Open' && mapacctLogWithId != null && mapacctLogWithId.get(t.WhatId) != null){ Account accLog = new Account(); if(mapAccLogToUpdate != null && mapAccLogToUpdate.get(t.WhatId) != null){ accLog = mapAccLogToUpdate.get(t.WhatId); } else if(mapAccLogToUpdate != null && mapAccLogToUpdate.get(t.WhatId) == null){ accLog = mapacctLogWithId.get(t.WhatId); } //accLog.easy_workflow__c = accLog.easy_workflow__c + ';'+ t.subject if(accLog.easy_workflow__c != null && accLog.easy_workflow__c !=''){ accLog.easy_workflow__c = accLog.easy_workflow__c.replace(t.subject,''); } if(t.Subject == 'Sign Acceptance Form'){ accLog.Description = 'Acceptance Form Signed'; } mapAccLogToUpdate.put(accLog.Id,accLog); } if(mapAccLogToUpdate != null && mapAccLogToUpdate.values() != null &&mapAccLogToUpdate.values().size() > 0){ update mapAccLogToUpdate.values(); } } }
@isTest(SeeAllData = true) public class AcceptanceSignedTest { public static testMethod void testAcceptanceSigned(){ test.startTest(); Account testLog = new Account(name='Test', description = 'Test'); insert testLog; Task testTask = new Task(Subject = 'Sign Acceptance Form', whatId = testLog.ID, Status = 'Completed'); insert testTask; Account testLog2 = new Account(name='Test2', description = 'Test2'); insert testLog2; Task testTask2 = new Task(Subject = 'Test', whatId = testLog2.ID, Status = 'Completed'); insert testTask2; Account testLoga = new Account(name='Test', description = 'Test'); insert testLoga; Task testTaska = new Task(Subject = 'Sign Acceptance Form', whatId = testLog.ID, Status = 'Open'); insert testTaska; Account testLog2a = new Account(name='Test2', description = 'Test2'); insert testLog2a; Task testTask2a = new Task(Subject = 'Test', whatId = testLog2.ID, Status = 'Open'); insert testTask2a; test.stopTest(); } }
I see that you have written this line many times in your code.
I would like to inform you that account id always starts with 001
Thats why, your condition does not cover in trigger.
Sameer Tyagi
All Answers
I see that you have written this line many times in your code.
I would like to inform you that account id always starts with 001
Thats why, your condition does not cover in trigger.
Sameer Tyagi
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Your coverage will be 93% . :)