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Radhika pawar 5
How to write Test Class for Before insert/update Trigger
Hey Friends,
I am new in salesforce,
I am Stuck on writting test class for Trigger .
Below my Code:
trigger add_questions_balwadi_batch on UP_Batch__c (before insert, before update)
List<UP_Question__c> piq = [Select id,Name from UP_Question__c];
for(UP_Batch__c upb :
if(upb.Program__c == 'Balwadi')
upb.Q_1__c = piq[0].id;
upb.Q_2__c = piq[1].id;
upb.Q_3__c = piq[19].id;
upb.Q_4__c = piq[2].id;
upb.Q_5__c = piq[5].id;
upb.Q_6__c = piq[12].id;
upb.Q_7__c = piq[6].id;
upb.Q_8__c = piq[15].id;
upb.Q_9__c = piq[3].id;
upb.Q_10__c = piq[14].id;
upb.Q_11__c = piq[11].id;
upb.Q_12__c = piq[10].id;
upb.Q_13__c = piq[9].id;
upb.Q_14__c = piq[13].id;
upb.Q_15__c = piq[17].id;
upb.Q_16__c = piq[18].id;
upb.Q_17__c = piq[8].id;
upb.Q_18__c = piq[16].id;
upb.Q_19__c = piq[7].id;
upb.Q_20__c = piq[4].id;
I am new in salesforce,
I am Stuck on writting test class for Trigger .
Below my Code:
trigger add_questions_balwadi_batch on UP_Batch__c (before insert, before update)
List<UP_Question__c> piq = [Select id,Name from UP_Question__c];
for(UP_Batch__c upb :
if(upb.Program__c == 'Balwadi')
upb.Q_1__c = piq[0].id;
upb.Q_2__c = piq[1].id;
upb.Q_3__c = piq[19].id;
upb.Q_4__c = piq[2].id;
upb.Q_5__c = piq[5].id;
upb.Q_6__c = piq[12].id;
upb.Q_7__c = piq[6].id;
upb.Q_8__c = piq[15].id;
upb.Q_9__c = piq[3].id;
upb.Q_10__c = piq[14].id;
upb.Q_11__c = piq[11].id;
upb.Q_12__c = piq[10].id;
upb.Q_13__c = piq[9].id;
upb.Q_14__c = piq[13].id;
upb.Q_15__c = piq[17].id;
upb.Q_16__c = piq[18].id;
upb.Q_17__c = piq[8].id;
upb.Q_18__c = piq[16].id;
upb.Q_19__c = piq[7].id;
upb.Q_20__c = piq[4].id;
public class TriggerTestClass{
static testMethod void testInsert(){
List<UP_Question__c> listUPQuestionToInsert = new List<UP_Question__c>();
UP_Batch__c upBatch = new UP_Batch__c();
for(Integer i=0;i<20;i++){
UP_Question__c upQuestn = new UP_Question__c();
upQuestn.Name = 'test';
//Populate all the required fields
if(listUPQuestionToInsert.size() > 0){
insert listUPQuestionToInsert;
upBatch.Name = 'test';
upBatch.Program__c = 'Balwadi';
insert upBatch;
Bhanu Mahesh
try this
I am unable to cover the code coverage for user Trigger . Please help me out.
My Trigger
trigger UserTrigger on User ( before update) {
if(Trigger.isBefore && Trigger.isUpdate){
UserTriggerHandler.afterUpdateEvent(Trigger.newMap, Trigger.oldMap);