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Dilip vDilip v 

Relationships Issues

 An organization has two custom objects to track job positions and salaries for those positions.  Everyone in the organization should be able to view the positions however, only select users can view the salary records.   What steps should a developer take to ensure the requirement is fulfilled?
a)     Create a lookup relationship between positions and salaries; define public access on position and private access on salary
b)    Create a master-detail relationship between positions and salaries; define public access on position and private access on salary.
c)     Create a master-detail relationship between positions and salaries; define private access on position and create sharing rules on salary.
d)    Create a lookup relationship between positions and salaries; define public access on position and public access on salary; create sharing rules on salary to restrict visibility.
Are you asking certiifcation question in the offical developer forum? This is not a write place to ask answer for the certification exam question. Instead I suggest you to try to implement those answer and see whethere you are able to achieve the requirement. By this way you will understand the system better.

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