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Visualforce Email Template Reply To Not Working

I'm referencing a Visualforce Email Template in an apex class, and have the replyTo="" but for some reason when the recipients of that email reply to the emails being sent, it comes back to my personal inbox. The replyTo value works when using a time-based workflow rule, but why doesn't it work when using APEX?

By the way, I tested this before moving to production in a sandbox, and when I click Reply To in outlook, the correct email address gets populated, so I'm not sure why in production this isn't working.
Best Answer chosen by mharikian1.3892229047844834E12
In the Apex code, are you calling setReplyTo? I think the senderAddress is only applied from the workflow and is not tied to the Visualforce Email Template.

All Answers

In the Apex code, are you calling setReplyTo? I think the senderAddress is only applied from the workflow and is not tied to the Visualforce Email Template.
This was selected as the best answer
Looks like that is working. Thanks pcon.