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RavIndra Vemula
Unable to get Lookup fields whine using Salesforce to salesforce connection
I have enabled salesforce to salesforce settings and successfully established a connection with another Org. While sharing the records i'm unable to map Lookup fields. No related option is displaying for look up fields at Receivers end.Is there any way to map it?
1) Share the 2nd lookup ID using a custom formula and map it to a text field on the target org
2) On insert in the target org, use the 2nd lookup ID to search for the connected 'local record id' by querying the PartnerNetworkRecordConnection table
3) Once you have the local record id set it to the appropriate field on Object 1 (the 2nd lookup field)
4) Do the above steps in before insert trigger
I want to share 'Campaign' object. but,it is not showing under 'Publish/Unpublish' Objects.
I am unable to see Created text fields in targeted Org for mapping. please help me