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najumuddin inajumuddin i 

Error while using Salesforce SOAP api in C#.Net


I am trying to create a new lead or account from my dotnet application using SOAP api, succeed in login in to using api, but while calling create method i am getting this error : "No overload for method 'create' takes 1 arguments". Here create method expecting morethan 7 parameters but in all developer guides and tutorials i have seen like below, they are not passing all parameters. tried with null arguments alo but same issue.

SFDC_Enterprise.SaveResult[] results = sfdcBinding.create(new SFDC_Enterprise.sObject[] { sfdcLead });

plzz help me out.

Hi there,

If you change your code to be like the below:

SFDC_Enterprise.SaveResult results = sfdcBinding.create(new SFDC_Enterprise.sObject[] { sfdcLead })[0];
