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Bugs with duplicate objects (local and packaged)
We have a package consisting of objects PKG__Object__c and PKG__Parent__c, and class PKG.ClassA. This package is installed inside a client org. The client org also has an object called Object__c (same name as the packaged object) with a lookup to PKG__Parent__c called Parent__c.
1. Global method PKG.ClassA.runQuery1() runs a dynamic query. Said method is called from a custom Apex class in client org. The resulting query looks like this: "select Id from Object__c where Id in :ids". But SF treats it as PKG__Object__c, and if we block access to the packaged object, SF throws an exception:
sObject type 'PKG__Object__c' is not supported. (PKG)
2. Global method PKG.ClassA.runQuery2() runs a dynamic query. Said method is called from a custom Apex class in client org. The resulting query looks like this: "select Id, (select Parent__c from Objects__r) from PKG__Parent__c where Id in :ids". But SF throws an exception:
No such column 'PKG__Parent__c' on entity 'PKG__Object__c'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name.
Is anyone aware of this? This is causing major issues as we upgrade historic clients.