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Opportunities with Inactive owners


I have some opportunities with owners who got deactivated. I need to transfer/share theses records to other users who are in different roles. Since the opportunity owners are deactivated they are not available during the sharing rules. is there anyway I can mass transfer theses records to active users or share these inactive owner records to others.

Anupam RastogiAnupam Rastogi
Have you tried using 'Mass Reassign Opportunity Teams'. This option is present under Setup -> Data Management. This provides you option to replace existing user (who can be inactive) with an Active user.

You need to search for the opportunities that you wish to transfer (enabling you to perform mass reassignment), then choose the appropriate opportunities from the search result, finally choosing the replacement user.

Another option could be to write a custom APEX code for performing this task, but that is not recommended until you have any declarative option available.