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Dhiraj Sharma 10Dhiraj Sharma 10 

Upload Photo In Opportunity of through android app

I am making an android application which use API. Maximum task i am able to do through sdk but I have problem when it comes to adding custom field in Opportunity object for photo.I researched and find out this link this I made a custom field of Rich Text Area in Opportunity and i am successfully able to upload image. But the problem is how to accomplish the same through android code??? I mean a new field is added into API of Opportunity list as seen below in the detail of field.

Field name: image__c Field Label: image Type is: textarea Length: 131072 This is a custom field. Can be nulled. Createable Updateable

But since its data type is textarea, How to send the image captured from phone camera or selected from gallery while creating new Opportunity.
Gaurav KheterpalGaurav Kheterpal
Can you confirm if you're building this natively or hybrid?

If it's hybrid, you can use the Cordova call as follows
function getPhotoAndUploadToContact(name, contactId) {
    SFHybridApp.logToConsole("in capturePhoto, contactId = "+contactId);

    $j('#Image').attr('data-old-src', $j('#Image').attr('src'));
    $j('#Image').attr('src', "images/camera.png");{
        onPhotoDataSuccess(imageData, name, contactId);
    }, function(errorMsg){
        // Most likely error is user cancelling out of camera
        $j('#Image').attr('src', $j('#Image').attr('data-old-src'));
    }, {
        quality: 50, 
        sourceType: Camera.PictureSourceType.CAMERA,
        destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.DATA_URL
You can then upload it using the following approach
function onPhotoDataSuccess(imageData, name, oppid) {
    var $j = jQuery.noConflict();

    SFHybridApp.logToConsole("in onPhotoDataSuccess, oppid = "+oppid);

    // Update the image on screen
    $j('#Image').attr('src', "data:image/jpeg;base64," + imageData);

    // Upload the image data to Content
    forcetkClient.create('ContentVersion', {
        "PathOnClient" : name + ".png",
        "VersionData" : imageData
    }, function(data){
        // Now update the Contact record with the new ContentVersion Id
        SFHybridApp.logToConsole('Created ContentVersion ' +;
        forcetkClient.update('Opportunity', opportunityid, { 
            "Image_ID__c" : 
        }, function(){
            SFHybridApp.logToConsole('Updated Opp '+oppid);
        }, onErrorSfdc);
    }, onErrorSfdc);    
Hope this helps.

If my answer helps resolve your query, please mark it as the 'Best Answer' to benefit others and improve the overall quality of Discussion Forums.

Gaurav Kheterpal
Certified Developer| Developer Forums Moderator| Dreamforce Speaker


Dhiraj Sharma 10Dhiraj Sharma 10
Sorry Gaurav Sir I forgot to mention. I am building in android native. Thanks for the code you provided. But i would appreciate if you could provide the same in android native