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Chad Moutes
Need Help With String Method 'Contains' in Trigger
I have an Apex Trigger listed below, I need to change where it says Subject = 'Email Sent' or Subject = 'Email Received' to be Subject Contains Email, but I can seem to get it to work properly.
trigger SumEmailActivitesOnAccount on Task (after insert, after update, after delete) { set<Id> set_Id = new set<Id>(); List<Account>acc_list = new List<Account>(); if(Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate) { for(Task{ set_Id.add(T.WhatId); } } else if(Trigger.isDelete){ for(Task T:Trigger.old){ set_Id.add(T.WhatId); } } if(Trigger.isAfter && (Trigger.isUpdate || Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isDelete)){ acc_list=[SELECT Id, Sum_Email_Activities__c, (SELECT Id FROM Tasks WHERE Status = 'Completed' AND (Subject = 'Email Sent' or Subject = 'Email Received')) FROM Account WHERE Id IN :set_Id]; for(Account acc: acc_list){ if(acc.Tasks.size()>0) acc.Sum_Email_Activities__c = acc.Tasks.size(); else acc.Sum_Email_Activities__c = 0; } if(!acc_list.isEmpty()) update acc_list; } }
acc_list=[SELECT Id, Sum_Email_Activities__c, (SELECT Id FROM Tasks WHERE Status= 'Completed' AND Subject LIKE '%Email%') FROM AccountWHERE Id IN :set_Id]; // this gives you all records those contain Email in the subject.
Hope it helps.,
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acc_list=[SELECT Id, Sum_Email_Activities__c, (SELECT Id FROM Tasks WHERE Status= 'Completed' AND Subject LIKE '%Email%') FROM AccountWHERE Id IN :set_Id]; // this gives you all records those contain Email in the subject.
Hope it helps.,
You always come through in the clutch, I was trying to use Contains(Subject, 'Email') But i think that is only usable in formulas and such. Thanks again for helping me solve thsi issue, works perfectly!