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Progress bar in Visual force page based on Custom field value

Hello All,

I want to display progress bar (5%, 8%,etc not the percentage but the progress) in visualforce page depending on a Custom field value.

I followed blog, but not at great help
IMAGE('/resource/1398170360000/BlueProgressBar', 'Test', 10, ( percField__c * 100 )) &
IMAGE('/resource/1398170333000/ProgressBorder', 'Test', 10, (100 - percField__c * 100 )) &
' ' &
TEXT (percField__c * 100) &

Thank you for advise
Best Answer chosen by Simrin
Vla ChaVla Cha
Hey Simrin,

not sure why this is not working for you. Could you please describe what exactly is the problem? I've just tried it out and it work just fine.


All Answers

Vla ChaVla Cha
Hey Simrin,

not sure why this is not working for you. Could you please describe what exactly is the problem? I've just tried it out and it work just fine.

This was selected as the best answer
I wanted to use this formula in combination of visualfoce page and controller.  This cannot be achieved by this formula.  I need to try something else