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SFDC coderSFDC coder 

how to maintain table headers on subsequent pages when rendered as pdf??

Hi all,

I have an visualforce email template whose attachment is rendered as pdf.I display an apex repeat tag that iterates over my line items as below.
               <th><center>Product Number</center></th>               
               <th><center>Sales Unit</center></th>
            <apex:repeat value="{!relatedTo.Order_Line_Items__r}" var="oli">

However when there are multiple line items,the table headers are not displayed on subsequent pages.Can anyone please help?
i also reffered to the link
however was not able to get it correctly
Best Answer chosen by SFDC coder
SFDC coderSFDC coder
i solved this by referring to a comment on this post..

All Answers

SFDC coderSFDC coder
thanks haarsha..but unfortunately that too doesnt work
SFDC coderSFDC coder
i solved this by referring to a comment on this post..
This was selected as the best answer
Layton EversonLayton Everson
A couple things:
1. Make sure your <apex:page tag looks something like this:

2. Make sure you have have markup for a full html page:
        <style type="text/css" media="print"></style>

3. In your CSS add this stuff:
thead{display: table-header-group;}
tfoot{display: table-footer-group;}
table {-fs-table-paginate: paginate;}

pavani kanchipavani kanchi
Thanks Layton. Its working.