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Scott WalkerScott Walker 

Visual page error - How do I fix this?

Hi all

I am totally new at any development side of salesforce and have tried hard to stay clear just because of my lack of knowledge so I think its fair to say I am not sure what I am doing.

I have create a flow which I have put into a visual page beacuse I am trying to run an object without anyone being able to use the global search or find other details.  I tried to restrict everything but its not possible to do so.  I think the way forward is to create my flow as a visual force page and I got as far as it coming up and without any other options which is great.  the problem is that when I try to enter information into it (a unique code) I get this error message:

; nested exception is: 
common.exception.ApiQueryException: sObject type 'SchoolForce__Student__c' is not supported. If you are attempting to use a custom object, be sure to append the '__c' after the entity name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.

I have no idea what this means or how to fix it.  Can anyone help at all?
Andrew WheelerAndrew Wheeler
Hi Scott,
Is your custom object's 'Deployment Status' set to 'Deployed'? (In the object's settings area). I know that this can sometimes cause an error like the one you are getting when it is set to 'In Development'..

Scott WalkerScott Walker
Hi Andrew,

Yes it is set to deployed I really am confussed by this.  I also see I get this email when I try to use it as well.  Not sure if this helps in any way but hoping a bright spark can figure it out.
Encountered unhandled fault when running process New_Tracker/301G0000000POJ7 exception by user/organization: 00DG0000000lQzI/{4}

; nested exception is: 
	common.exception.ApiQueryException: sObject type 'SchoolForce__Student__c' is not supported. If you are attempting to use a custom object, be sure to append the '__c' after the entity name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.

caused by element : FlowRecordLookup.Find_the_Student

caused by: ; nested exception is: 
	common.exception.ApiQueryException: sObject type 'SchoolForce__Student__c' is not supported. If you are attempting to use a custom object, be sure to append the '__c' after the entity name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.

Salesforce Error ID: 2094168965-36016 (1967941599)

Scott WalkerScott Walker
Also I think its important to note that the flow as a visual page within salesforce works totally fine its only whern I try and get it to run outside of salesforce as its own webpage
Scott WalkerScott Walker
OK I have made some progress on this after much research I thin that the issue is linked with the field security levels within the site.  I added read/write privileges to the custom objects I am referencing and now the error has gone away which is good but for some reason it cannot find any records when I run the page?  This works totally fine with salesforce directly but not as its own webpage?  The error message that comes up is the one I made saying "Student record can not be found" so it must be partly working but for some reason the lookup is not doing what its meant to.  Any ideas?  I feel like I am so close now!!!