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salesforce ok with sending out 500 emails

i know emails are touchy with salesforce but were looking to email all of our users using a custom object and I want to be sure salesforce is cool with that. If not, do I have to batch out sending the emails? Thank you in advance
Himanshu ParasharHimanshu Parashar
As per the document:

You can send mass email to a maximum of 1,000 external email addresses per day per organization based on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The maximum number of external addresses you can include in each mass email depends on your edition though You can send an unlimited amount of email to your organization’s internal users, which includes portal users.

Salesforce Certified Developer | Administrator | Service Cloud Consultant

P.S.  If my answer helps you to solve your problem please mark it as best answer. It will help other to find best answer.
'You can send an unlimited amount of email to your organization’s internal users, which includes portal users'

that was the key part...