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Robb GRobb G 

Reuse of a sandbox vs new?

I am a new developer on the SF project after the old dev left.  He has a sandbox setup and there appears to be only one offered.  I can't login to his old one nor can I create one through the system directly.  Is the best solution to order a new sandbox through sales or is there a way to convert the old sandbox or get the old login (Which I am admitedly less interested in).  Or what are the implications of deleting the old devs sandbox?  What is my best solution in this case?  Thank you for any direction.  Also, thank you bob!
SonamSonam (Salesforce Developers) 
Does the old sandbox have any development changes that the old dev was working on? If yes, I understand you would like to check the changes he has made/important code he/she might have written which is not yet moved to production and you wish to continue on the same.

Reach out to support if you wish to reset the user's email address to yours such that you can login..