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how to report a bug

I am wondering what is the best way to report a bug.
We are having an issue and I submitted a case and Salesforce keep closing it, with their generic close response,
"Please be informed that Developer support is currently available only to our premier customers and Premier partners ...."

I have posted this question on StackExchange regarding the bug

but to summarize it seems that the code coverage in our production org is displaying the wrong numbers, as all of them past and the overall is above 80%, when validation 1 test class that will increase a class coverage from 0% to 100% it fails saying that code coverga is only 73%
how can this be possible if the new test class will improve the coverage. The only thing that I can think is that the initial overal coverage is wrong and it is not 82%
Best Answer chosen by Manza
PratikPratik (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Manza,

Please refer to these links as these might be useful:


All Answers

PratikPratik (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Manza,

Thanks for the details. I have also gone through post that you mentioned. I will suggest you to check the code coverage in sandbox before deploying it into production as to check if any inconsistency.
If you are using the existing data in your test class then make sure you create the sample records in test class. 
You can also check for hardcoded values.

Please let us know if issue still persists.

Hi Patrik

Thank you very much for your reply, both (production and sandbox) code coverage are over 80%, the sandbox is "freshly" refresh. So that is why I think it is a Salesforce bug.
PratikPratik (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Manza,

Please refer to these links as these might be useful:

This was selected as the best answer
Hi Patrick

Thank you they were very useful, it seems that was an actual salesforce issue, as after the weekend we were magical able to deploy test classes when before we werent. and this was after 2 weeks.

The oddest thing, was that after cleaning the test history like on the link that you sent me, the org coverage changed from 82% to 58%. So this means that we cant trust developer console overal test coverage? as it seems that this percentage includes historical coverage?

when i was doing the steps of the link
I had the following error on step 2:

SELECT Id FROM ApexCodeCoverageAggregate

I get an error INVALID_TYPE: sObject type 'ApexCodeCoverageAggregate' is not supported
PratikPratik (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Manza,

Please check the "Tooling api" checkbox before running above mentioned query in developer console.


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P.S. If this answers you question, please mark it as "Best Answer" so it will help other community members too.
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